Education: Master's degree in management with distinction, Bachelor's degree in Law and Professional qualification of a teacher.
Z. Pūce has many years of experience in both the private sector and the non-governmental organisation (NGO) sector. Since 2006 she has gained experience in such companies as A/S Latvijas pasts and SIA TNT Latvija. She ran her own business for four years. From 2011 to 2019, she was the head of the association “Ascendum”, one of the leading NGOs in the field of culture, education and civil society, and publisher of the online magazine “Satori”.
For three years (2015 - 2018) Z. Pūce was elected to the Memorandum Council of Cooperation between NGOs and the Cabinet of Ministers, whrere she was Deputy Head of the Memorandum Council for two years. From 2016 to 2019, she was a member of the Council of the NGO umbrella organization "Latvian Civic Alliance" and Head of the Policy Implementation Division, and from 2017 to 2019 - a member of the Board of the "Association of NGOs for Contemporary Culture", a leading organisation representing the interests of contemporary culture.
Z. Pūce has experience in team management, development and implementation of organisational strategies, private and public fundraising, project development and management, including budget and financial issues. She has worked for many years in law drafting process.
Under the leadership of Z. Pūce, the Foundation has undergone a major reorganisation to become a modern, professional leader in the implementation of sustainable development policies.