Protestētāji pret karu Ukrainā

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The Society Integration Foundation (SIF) has signed seven cooperation agreements with non-governmental organisations for the provision of social mentoring services to Ukrainian residents who have arrived in Latvia as a result of the war, in order to deal with everyday situations. At least 7 000 people in Ukraine will benefit from the service and it is already available throughout Latvia.  

The Social Mentor Service will be available for 60 days and will provide practical assistance in dealing with a variety of everyday issues.

This will help people to understand life in Latvia by helping them to learn the skills they need for everyday life in real-life situations, encouraging them to develop new skills, as well as by providing support in arranging various formalities, such as accommodation, clothing, work opportunities or getting to the place of assistance.

To receive a social mentor’s assistance, Ukrainians must apply with their local social services. Social workers from the social services will assess the individual case of each client and, if necessary, will assign a social mentor provided by the SIF.

The service for Ukrainian residents is now available throughout Latvia and is being provided in cooperation with the social services of 43 municipalities, thus ensuring convenient and simple support at the place of reception.

The social mentoring service for Ukrainian civilians is provided within the framework of the European Social Foundation project "Promoting Diversity" (No implemented by the European Social Foundation. 85% of the funding comes from the European Social Foundation and 15% from the Latvian state.