Jaunumi Ģimenēm #StandWithUkraine
Goda ģimenes apliecība

The "Family of Honour" certificate issued by the Society Integration Foundation will also offer discounts on goods and services offered by more than 450 companies and state institutions across Latvia to large families from Ukraine, as well as to families of emergency guardians caring for a child or children from Ukraine. 

The "Family of Honour" certificate is a special SIF national programme for large families and families caring for children with disabilities. Card holders can get great deals on goods and services, including fuel, stationery, leisure activities, cultural events, catering, food, etc., as well as various tax incentives.  

In order to support families with children who have been displaced from Latvia as a result of the Russia-led war, they will also be eligible for "Family of Honour” certificates: 

- Ukrainian families with many children who have been issued a Latvian D category or long-stay visa, provided that the family has arrived in Latvia with at least three children; 

- a person who has been appointed as an emergency guardian for a child from Ukraine by a decision of the Orphans' Court and who now has at least three children with the ward.  

At the same time, more than 50 programme participants, including Dailes Theatre, CIRCLE K, FIELMANN, the Turaida Museum Reserve, BENU Aptieka and others, have responded to SIF's invitation and prepared a special offer for all Ukrainian citizens who will be able to present a domestic or foreign Ukrainian passport, ID card or other identity document (it will not be necessary to present the "Family of Honour" certificate). 

Offer from businesses

"This war has brought pain to large numbers of people, some of whom have fled with the bare minimum. In order to make their life in Latvia a little easier, Ukrainian families with many children and families of emergency guardians caring for Ukrainian children will be able to receive support in the form of essential goods and services under the "Family of Honour" programme - including clothing, furniture and books," explains Zaiga Pūce, Director of the SIF Secretariat. 

To apply for a "Family of Honour" certificate, you can fill out an application form and submit it to info@godagimene.lv or in person at the SIF office (Raiņa bulvāris 15, Riga, entrance from the courtyard). The application form can be found at www.sif.gov.lv and www.godagimene.lv, and is available in Latvian, Ukrainian and Russian. Each situation will be assessed individually to find the best solution. 

Certificates are issued to persons from the age of six and are valid when presented with an identity document or student's/pupil's card.  

For more information on the discount offers for the "Family of Honour" certificate, see https://katalogs.godagimene.lv/ or in the "3+ Card" app. 

Linda Lāma

Coordinator of the programme "Latvian Honorary Family Certificate "Honorary Family""
linda.lama [at] sif.gov.lv